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Version: v1.10.0



load add and commit data to a pool


load <pool>[@<branch>] [author <author>] [message <message>] [meta <meta>]


The load operator populates the specified <pool> with the values it receives as input. Much like how zed load is used at the command line to populate a pool with data from files, streams, and URIs, the load operator is used to save query results from your Zed pipeline to a pool in the same Zed lake. <pool> is a string indicating the name or ID of the destination pool. If the optional @<branch> string is included then the data will be committed to an existing branch of that name, otherwise the main branch is assumed. The author, message, and meta strings may also be provided to further describe the committed data, similar to the same zed load options.

Input Data

Examples below assume the existence of the Zed lake created and populated by the following commands:

export ZED_LAKE=example
zed -q init
zed -q create -orderby flip:asc coinflips
zed branch -q -use coinflips onlytails
echo '{flip:1,result:"heads"} {flip:2,result:"tails"}' | zed load -q -use coinflips -
zed -q create -orderby flip:asc bigflips
zed query -f text 'from :branches | yield + "@" + | sort'

The lake then contains the two pools:



Modify some values, load them into the main branch of our empty bigflips pool, and see what was loaded

zed -lake example query 'from coinflips | result:=upper(result) | load bigflips' > /dev/null
zed -lake example query -z 'from bigflips'



Add a filtered subset of records to our onlytails branch, while also adding metadata

zed -lake example query 'from coinflips | result=="tails" | load coinflips@onlytails author "Steve" message "A subset" meta "\"Additional metadata\""' > /dev/null
zed -lake example query -z 'from coinflips@onlytails'

